Are you wondering why your teen is not the same these days? Are the emotional roller coasters and tantrums they experience have you questioning if its all your fault?
Are you curious to why their mood, diet and skin is changing at a rate you maybe can't handle anymore and need a few simple solutions? Wait till you hear some jaw dropping statistics you may not have thought about.
Lets talk Anxiety & Depression also. These are common words these days in today's society and I hear them daily. Being in the health industry for almost 8 years I've studied the human body, Diet, Nutrition & our environment and how it plays an incredible role in our childrens behavior. You and your family need to join me for some alarming statistics. I have invited a special guest Stacey Herman to do a little mental strength coaching for us too. We can all benefit from that too.
I look forward to meeting you on this Webinar!
Stacy Tiegs