Fargo Boom- Is this what you struggle with?

By Stacy Tiegs (other events)

Sunday, April 8 2018 1:00 PM 4:00 PM CDT

I remember someone invited me to "One of these things" once, and all I could think about was "What are they trying to sell me?"

I was a pretty skeptical person when it came to natural health because I knew nothing about it and it just sounded expensive. But what I learned over the past 6 years is that we can each make small easy changes every day that really add up to big things like it did for me. My life has truly been re-directed along with my entire family because of going to "one of these things".  For 5 years my daughter literally didn't know what to do with herself because she could not control her emotions...and as parents we were at rock bottom. But listening to "one of these things" we were able to win that battle in 3 weeks. I've lost 1/2 my body weight over time without exercise. The time I spent in and out of specialty clinics is now with my family and grandkids and the list is long! I'll explain when you come!

I would like to teach on a few topics Sunday April 8th. 1:00-4:00pm. 

Seasonal Discomforts (Want to enjoy the summers more?) 

Emotions (On a rollercoaster? Need stock in kleenex? Teenagers driving you crazy?)

Muscles (Need some support from a hard work out or from a little slip on the ice this winter?)

Romance (Sick of feeling like a roommate? Ladies are you numb?)

Hangovers (Always the life of the party and don't want to pay for it the next day?)  

WOW...You can do this! 

Grab yourself a Bloody Mary from the bar on the way in and I'll add a few drops of Lemon Vitality Oil in it and explain just what that does!

Open to the public and all who attend will be entered in a drawing for a really nice HEALTHY gift!

I'm excited to meet you!

Stacy Tiegs